
Please see : https://github.com/flaxsearch/luwak


On Thursday, April 24, 2014 8:40 PM, Muhammad Gelbana <m.gelb...@gmail.com> 
(Please make sure you reply to my address because I didn't subscribe to
this mailing list)

I'm using Solr 4.6

I need to store string masks in Solr. By masks, I mean strings that can
match other strings.

Then I need to search for masks that match the string I'm providing in my
query. For example, assume the following single-field document stored in

    "fieldA": "__A__"

I need to be able to find this document if I query the fieldA field with a
string like *12A34*, as the underscore "*_*" matches a single string. The
single string matching mechanism is my strict goal here, multiple string
matching won't be helpful.

I hope I was clear enough. Please elaborate because I'm not versatile with
solr and I haven't been using it for too long.
Thank you.

*Muhammad Gelbana*

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