
Thanks for your help.

> Reading your last paragraph, how is that any different than exactly what
> DynamicField actually does?

My understanding is that DynamicField can do something like
FOO_BAR_TEXT_* but what I really need is *_TEXT_* as I might have
FOO_BAR_TEXT_1 but I also might have WIDGET_BAR_TEXT_2.  Both of those
field names need to map to a field type of 'fullText'.

> You say you want to change fields at "run time" - what is "run time"? When
> exactly do your field names change?

What I mean is that when the document is fed to solr.  So on the
update process when the document is being indexed.  The document that
is being indexed may have fields that are unknown until the time of
indexing.  However, some of those fields will follow a predictable
naming patter as mentioned above.

> You can always write an update request processor to do any manipulation of
> field values at index time.

I see that Solr has this capability.  However, I dont think I need to
manipulate field values.  I need to map a field/value to a particular
fieldType for indexing.

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