
Thanks so much for the suggestion.  I will look into this approach.  It
looks very promising!


On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Chris Hostetter <>wrote:

> : My understanding is that DynamicField can do something like
> : FOO_BAR_TEXT_* but what I really need is *_TEXT_* as I might have
> : FOO_BAR_TEXT_1 but I also might have WIDGET_BAR_TEXT_2.  Both of those
> : field names need to map to a field type of 'fullText'.
> I'm pretty sure you can get what you are after with the new Manged Schema
> functionality...
> Assuming you have managed schema enabled in solrconfig.xml, and you define
> both of your fieldTypes using names like "text" and "select" then
> something like this should work in your processor chain...
>  <processor class="solr.AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory">
>    <str name="fieldRegex">.*_TEXT_.*</str>
>    <str name="defaultFieldType">text</str>
>  </processor>
>  <processor class="solr.AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory">
>    <str name="fieldRegex">.*_SELECT_.*</str>
>    <str name="defaultFieldType">select</str>
>  </processor>
> (Normally that processor is used once with multiple value->type mappings
> -- but in your case you don't care about the run-time value, just the run
> time field name regex (which should also be configurable according
> to the various FieldNameSelector rules...
> -Hoss

John Thorhauer
Director/Remote Interfaces
Yakabod, Inc.
301-662-4554 x2105

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