Are these really sub-products? It sounds like you have the same product from multiple vendors and just want to return the lowest cost vendor, with no actual calculation. Either way, there is no direct method for this calculation/selection in Solr. Sure, you can always code a custom query component and/or custom function query value source, but this sort of sounds like an operation that you should be doing in your application layer rather than in Solr itself.

You can certainly sort "ascending" by your price field, then the cheapest vendor would be returned first.

In any case, please clarify your use case.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Gharbi Mohamed
Sent: Friday, May 9, 2014 3:29 PM
Subject: is it possible for solr to calculate and give back the price of a product based on its sub-products


I am using Solr for searching magento products in my project,
I want to know, is it possible for solr to calculate and give back the price
of a product based on its sub-products(items);

For instance, i have a product P1 and it is the parent of items m1, m2.
i need to get the minimal price of items and return it as a price of product

I'm wondering if that is possible, can you help me ?
I need to know if solr can do that or if there is a feature or a way to do
it ?
And finally i thank you!


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