Hi everyone,

We're considering a migration to an HDFS-backed Solr Cloud, both from our
4.2-based Solr Cloud, and a legacy 3.6 classic replication setup. In the
end, we hope to unify these two and upgrade to 4.8.1, or 4.9 if that's out
in time.

I'm wondering how many of you have experience with migrating to HDFS, and
if you managed to do something a little more crafty than a bulk reindex
against a new installation.

For example, is it possible to do something like join some 4.8, HDFS-backed
nodes to your 4.2 setup, add replicas to the new nodes, have things sync
over, and then terminate the 4.2 nodes?

For our older setup, could I bodge together collections by simply copying
the index data into HDFS and building a single shard collection from each
one? Would the HDFSDirectoryFactory do OK against an index written using an
older codec and on a random access disk?

Any information or experiences you might be able to share would be helpful.
In the meantime, I'm going to start experimenting with some of these


Michael Della Bitta

Applications Developer

o: +1 646 532 3062

appinions inc.

“The Science of Influence Marketing”

18 East 41st Street

New York, NY 10017

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