I've always been under the impression that file-system-access-speed is crucial 
for Lucene-based storage and have always advocated to not use NFS for that (for 
which we had slowness of a factor of 5 approximately). Has there any 
performance measurement made for such a setting? Is FS-caching suddenly getting 
so much better that it is not a problem.

Also, as far as I know S3 bills by the amount of (giga-)bytes exchanged…. this 
gives plenty of room but if each starts needs to exchange a big part of the 
index from the storage to the solr server because of cache filling, it looks 
like it won't be that cheap.

thanks for experience report.


On 25 juin 2014, at 07:16, Jay Vyas <jayunit100.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Solr ! 
> I got this working .  Here's how : 
> With the example jetty runner, you can Extract the tarball, and go to the 
> examples/ directory, where you can launch an embedded core. Then, find the 
> solrconfig.xml file. Edit it to contain the following xml:
> <directoryFactory name="DirectoryFactory" 
> class="org.apache.solr.core.HdfsDirectoryFactory">
> <str name="solr.hdfs.home">myhcfs:///solr</str>  
> <str name="solr.hdfs.confdir">/etc/hadoop/conf</str>  
> </directoryFactory>
> the confdir is important: That is where you will have something like a 
> core-site.xml that defines all the parameters for your filesystem 
> (fs.defaultFS, fs.mycfs.impl…. and so on). 
> This tells solr, when launched, to use myhcfs as the underlying file store. 
> You also should make sure that the jar for your plugin (in our case glisters, 
> but hadoop will reference it by looking up the dynamically generated 
> parameters that come from the base uri "myhcfs"… classes are on the class 
> path, and the hadoop-common jar is also there (Some HCFS shims will need 
> FilterFileSystem to run correctly, which is only in hadoop-common.jar).
> So - how to modify the running sold core's class path?  
> To do so – you can update the solrconfig.xml jar directives. There are a 
> bunch of regular expression templates you can modify in the 
> examples/.../solrconfig.xml file. You can also copy the jars in at runtime, 
> to be really safe.
> Once your example core with gluster configuration is setup, launch it with 
> the following properties:
> java -Dsolr.directoryFactory=HdfsDirectoryFactory -Dsolr.lock.type=hdfs 
> -Dsolr.data.dir=glusterfs:///solr -Dsolr.updatelog=glusterfs:///solr 
> -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/solr-4.4.0-cdh5.0.2/example/etc/logging.properties
>  -jar start.jar
> This starts a basic SOLR server on port 8983.
> If you are running from the simple jetty based examples which I've used to 
> describe this above, then you should see the collection1 core up and running, 
> and you should see its index sitting inside the /solr directory of your file 
> system. 
> Hope this helps those interested in expanding the use of SolrCloud outside of 
> a single FS. 
> On Jun 23, 2014, at 6:16 PM, Jay Vyas <jayunit100.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks.  Does anyone deploy solr indices on other HCFS implementations 
>> (S3FileSystem, for example) regularly ? If so I'm wondering 
>> 1) Where are the docs for doing this - or examples?  Seems like everything, 
>> including parameter names for dfs setup, are based around "hdfs".   Maybe I 
>> should file a JIRA similar to 
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLUME-2410 (to make the generic 
>> deployment of SOLR on any file system explicit / obvious).
>> 2) if there are any interesting requirements (i.e. createNonRecursive, 
>> Atomic mkdirs, sharing, blocking expectations etc etc) which need to be 
>> implemented

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