Emperor's Clothes Newsletter * 9 January 2007

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Dear readers,

Below is the second installment of the TENC article, "The Suppressed
History of the Holocaust in Croatia," which we are sending out in four

This mailing includes:

* I.2 How the US State Department Misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum
to Market Holocaust Denial, by Jared Israel.

Summary: Evidence is presented that Washington's Holocaust Museum, which
is playing a major role in the legitimization of Croatia's
Holocaust-denying spin, is a tool of the US foreign policy

The first installment of the article was sent out on 8 January. The rest
of the article will be sent out as the next two Newsletter mailings. If
you want to read the first installment, or the rest of the article,
which includes the unabridged entries on "Croatia" and "Jasenovac" from
Yad Vashem's "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust," you can do so using the
links in the Table of Contents at the end of this email.

Best regards,
Samantha Criscione
Emperor's Clothes


"The Suppressed History of the Holocaust in Croatia" -  Second
installment of 4-part mailing:

* I.2 How the US State Department Misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum
to Market Holocaust Denial *
by Jared Israel

Hearing that there is a Holocaust Museum in Washington, I imagine most
people would assume it is run by a Jewish Holocaust memorial
organization and/or by Holocaust scholars; they would be mistaken.
Washington's Holocaust Museum began as a project of Jimmy Carter, whose
underlying purpose was, I believe, built into the Museum's
organizational structure: it is financed mainly by the US government,
and as for its governing board:

"The Council consists of 55 Presidential appointees in addition to 10
Congressional representatives and three ex-officio members from the
departments of Education, Interior and State."
  http://tinyurl.com/tbk62 <http://tinyurl.com/tbk62>

Aside from the obvious point that fifty-five members of the board are
picked by the President and ten are members of Congress - in other
words, that this is, by design, a political institution - aside from
that, why the State Department? Why should the government agency which
formulates, carries out and publicly justifies US foreign policy be
given a position from which it can dominate an institution supposedly
created to educate ordinary people about the Holocaust? I think the
bottom-line purpose of the Museum with its 60 plus million dollars a
year funding (2/3 from the federal government - see
http://tinyurl.com/yy3els <http://tinyurl.com/yy3els>   ), its 400 staff
members and its vast media reach - the unstated but very real purpose is
to use the Holocaust as a tool of the US foreign policy establishment,
most obviously the State Department.

If that sounds outrageous, it is, but the evidence for my charge was
manifest from the time the Museum opened, on 21 April 1993. Not one
single representative of the Serbian people was invited to the much
touted opening, but Croatian President Franjo Tudjman was an honored
guest. This is the same Franjo Tudjman about whom Time magazine later
wrote the following understated comments:

[Excerpt from Time magazine starts here]

"In his book Wastelands: Historical Truths, published in 1988, Mr.
Tudjman wrote that the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust was
900,000 -- not six million.

He has also asserted that not more than 70,000 Serbs died at the hands
of the Ustashe -- most historians say around 400,000 were killed.

    [Note from Jared Israel: Samantha Criscione and I have read a couple
of hundred newspaper articles which discuss Jasenovac, and have observed
that the media's estimate of the number of deaths drops steadily from
800,000, which we found in the New York Times following World War II,
until today, when it is commonplace for the media to state that
according to never-named "independent researchers," and Washington's
Holocaust Museum, 100,000 or fewer were murdered. So, in the mid-1990s,
that is, in the middle of this period of numerical decline, Time reports
that most historians say 400,000 died.]

Under Mr. Tudjman's leadership, Croatia began discriminating against
Serbs in 1990 when it adopted a Constitution that declared Croatia "the
national state of the Croatian nation." Under the old Constitution, the
Serbs had had equal status with the Croats.

Then the Government adopted a currency and flag associated with the
Ustashe Government, a move that helped drive many moderate Serbs into
the arms of the Serbian nationalists."

-- "A Would-Be Tito Helps to Dismantle His Legacy," The New York Times,
August 20, 1995, Sunday, Late Edition - Final, Franjo Tudjman, Section
1; Page 12; Column 3; Foreign Desk , 946 words, By Raymond Bonner,
Zagreb, Croatia, Aug. 18

[Excerpt from Time magazine ends here]

As I mentioned, Time is easy on Tudjman, who was in fact the most openly
antisemitic of Holocaust deniers. (His book "Wastelands" endorsed the
claims that Jews ran the Croatian Ustashe's Jasenovac death camp, that
Jewish inmates, supposedly given a free hand by blasé Ustasha guards,
slaughtered vast numbers of Serbs and Roma, and that this (imaginary)
Jewish violence flowed directly from the violently self-centered nature
(according to Tudjman) of Jewish culture. He also supported the blood
libel that the Talmud teaches Jews to hate and persecute Gentiles, and
on and on.

Tudjman's anti-Serb and antisemitic book was hailed by one Mark Weber,
writing in the "Journal of Historical Review," the main English language
magazine for Holocaust deniers. Weber went into ecstasy, because:

"While a few European countries have outlawed Holocaust Revisionism
[i.e., Holocaust denial - JI], in Croatia it enjoys support from the
highest level."

-- "Croatia's Leader Denounced as Holocaust Revisionist; President
Tudjman Refuses to Recant," by Mark Weber, The Journal for Historical
Review, July / August 1993, Volume 1, number 4, Page 19

Famed Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal was quoted in the New York Times
expressing horror that this arch racist was being invited, as a guest of
honor, to the opening of what was, after all, supposedly a Holocaust

"'Tell me who asked Tudjman to come to Washington for the opening of the
museum,' Mr. Wiesenthal said."

-- "Anger Greets Croatian's Invitation to Holocaust Museum Dedication,"
The New York Times, April 22, 1993, Thursday, Late Edition - Final
Correction Appended, Section A; Page 1; Column 5; National Desk, 912
words, By Diana Jean Schemo, Special to The New York Times, Washington,
April 21

In the same article, the Times answered Mr. Wiesenthal:

[Excerpt from "Anger Greets Croatian's Invitation to Holocaust Museum"
starts here]

"Naomi Paiss, the museum's director of communications, said the museum
knew about Mr. Tudjman's writings but decided to invite the Croatian
President despite them.

"'We were advised by the State Department [my emphasis -JI] to invite
the Bosnians, the Slovenians and the Croatians,' she said. 'They told us
those are the three that should be invited, who were democratically
elected. We're well aware of Mr. Tudjman's book and statements, but
we're not opening the museum to preach to the choir.'"

    [Note that from the time the Museum was opened, it was used by the
State Department to provide a cover for the most extreme of Holocaust
deniers. -- JI]

[Excerpt from "Anger Greets Croatian's Invitation to Holocaust Museum"
ends here]

-- Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes

["The Suppressed History of the Holocaust in Croatia" continues with the
article "Croatia" from Yad Vashem's "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,"
which will be sent to you shortly.  If you would like to continue
reading now, the entire Table of Contents is posted, with hyperlinks,
following the fundraising appeal, below.]


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* Table of Contents *

* The Suppressed History of the Holocaust in Croatia *

For the first time on the Internet, the article "Croatia" transcribed
from Yad Vashem's Encyclopedia of the Holocaust; also from the same
source, the article "Jasenovac," on Croatia's main death camp.

* I. Introductory note
by Jared Israel
Edited by Samantha Criscione

Summary: Why the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust articles on Croatia and
Jasenovac are key documents that the US and German (and Croatian)
governments and the Vatican kindly request you don't read.

* I.1 The Croatian Government's Holocaust-Denying Exhibition at the
Jasenovac Death Camp
by Jared Israel

Summary: The media suppresses evidence of Croatian leaders' fascist
views, evidence belying their claim to have rejected Croatia's Ustasha
past. The Croatian government's newly opened exhibition at the Jasenovac
death camp is a fraud; it is tragic that Serbian, Jewish and Roma
('Gypsy') groups have let themselves be used to hide its
Holocaust-denying character.

* I.2 How the US State Department Misuses Washington's Holocaust Museum
to Market Holocaust Denial
by Jared Israel

Summary: Evidence is presented that Washington's Holocaust Museum, which
is playing a major role in the legitimization of Croatia's
Holocaust-denying spin, is a tool of the US foreign policy

* II. Croatia
by Menachem Shelah

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Jerusalem/Tel Aviv, 1990; English
translation, New York/London, pp. 323-329.

    II.1 Serbian Minority
    II.2 Jews
       II.2.1 Anti-Jewish legislation
       II.2.2 Roundup, incarceration and murder
       II.2.3 German role in deportation and extermination
       II.2.4 Italian protection
    II.3 Catholic Church
    II.4 [Jewish] Communities

* III. Jasenovac
by Menachem Shelah

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Jerusalem/Tel Aviv, 1990; English
translation, New York/London, pp. 739-740.

                                         * * *

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