Following is a copy of my unedited letter to iht.   Notice that they took
out the information on the jihadist Ceku.   That way, no one knows just what
a war criminal Ceku is and how criminal his Albanian mobs are.  Stella



The International Herald Tribune


Letter to the editor(s)


23 March 2007


The phrase in, "Europe's approaching train wreck," of 22 March," that "The
Serbs in Kosovo are being provided assurances of protection," would be
amusing if it were not so tragic.


And who will be their protector once independence is granted, Prime Minister
Agim Ceku who masterminded two of the grisliest episodes of brutality
against the Serbian population in The Battle of the Medak Pocket and
Operation Storm?    KFOR can't even protect the Serbian minority now, with
Albanian mobs having already destroyed over 150 monasteries and churches and
conducted pogroms against the Serbs in March of 2004 which may very well be
repeated if the Kosovo Albanians are not granted their independence fast
enough to suit them - perhaps even turning their guns on KFOR troops in the


If independence is granted, the eradication of Serbian culture, language and
religion will be complete and a new jihadist state will have been created in
the heart of Europe.


Indeed, Stanley Kober's "Europe's approaching train wreck," is well


-----------begin letter published in iht------------------------


Internationa Herald Tribune


Letter to the editor 

Kosovo independence

The phrase in "Europe's approaching train wreck" by Stanley Kober (Views,
March 22), "The Serbs in Kosovo are being provided assurances of
protection," would be amusing if it were not so tragic.

And who will be their protector once independence is granted? Prime Minister
Agim Ceku of Kosovo? The NATO Kosovo force can't even protect the Serbian
minority now.

If independence is granted, the eradication of Serbian culture, language and
religion will be complete and a new jihadist state will have been created in
the heart of Europe.

Indeed, Stanley Kober's "Europe's approaching train wreck" is well titled.

Stella L. JatrasCamp Hill, Pennsylvania

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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