What will be Russia's response to Kosovo's independence?



07/ 12/ 2007

 <http://en.rian.ru/analysis/20071207/91418613-print.html> Print version

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti political commentator Yelena Shesternina) - The troika of 
international mediators (the U.S., EU and Russia), after several months of 
trying to think up an elegant solution to the Kosovo problem, has admitted its 

The final report, which it decided to submit to UN Secretary General Ban 
Ki-Moon ahead of schedule (the original deadline was December 10), does not 
contain a single concrete recommendation to Belgrade or Pristina, or indeed, to 
the UN. What will happen next? How will Moscow respond if the Kosovo 
authorities carry out their threat and proclaim independence unilaterally? 

The troika mission has failed, as it should have. The positions of its members 
were too wide apart. 

Washington was pressing for the province's independence and Moscow went out of 
its way to argue that there should be no haste. The European Union, supposed to 
represent the interests of all its 27 member countries, was doing a balancing 
act between the two positions. 

Not everyone in Europe would welcome the appearance of a new state on the world 
map. The most vocal opponents are Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia. 
They know that as soon as Kosovo declares its independence their own 
separatists will be quick to put forward similar demands. 

But it is not the position of the mediators that is the main stumbling block. 
The Serbs were prepared to offer Pristina everything, including the broadest 
autonomy, the likes of which no other autonomy in the world enjoys, as long as 
the word "independence" is not used. 

The Kosovars, however, were determined from the start that secession from 
Serbia was only a matter of time. Yes, they were ready to go through the 
diplomatic motions, even to sit down at the negotiating table with the Serbs, 
but no more than that. And why should they if the United States and several 
European countries had promised them independence in advance? The Kosovars do 
not quite know themselves what they will do with the independence. They seem to 
hope that the West will address their numerous economic problems with greater 
zeal than now. 

Moscow is still behaving as if the issue of the province's independence has not 
been closed. But it seems that it has. The Kosovars are right when they say it 
is only a matter of time. The question that remains is when the independence 
will become official and how it will be "acted out"? 

The scenario until the end of the year is more or less clear. After Ban Ki-Moon 
reads the report it will be submitted to the UN Security Council. The 
discussion promises to be stormy, but the result is a foregone conclusion: 
Moscow will categorically object to any document that contains the word 
"independence." If it manages to persuade the West that another round of talks 
is needed, it would be its biggest foreign policy triumph of the year. 

Most experts believe the Kosovars will not dare to proclaim independence 
immediately after the collapse of the UN debate. First, they have to wait for 
the presidential elections in Serbia, where the first round will take place on 
January 20. Second, it would be good to enlist the support of the "united 
Europe" in addition to that of the United States. The EU leaders will try to 
agree their actions on the "Kosovo issue" at their summit in Brussels next 
week. The declared position so far is encouraging: the EU says it is necessary 
"to prevent unilateral moves on Kosovo's part." 

The Europeans, at least those of them who do not think Kosovo would set a 
dangerous precedent, are developing at least two secret plans. According to the 
report of the International Crisis Group, Britain, Germany, Italy and France 
will support independence before May 2008. For starters, they will try to get 
the Brussels meeting to pass a joint statement to the effect that the EU 
considers the Kosovo negotiations closed and the best way out of the impasse is 
to revert to the Ahtisaari Plan (Martti Ahtisaari is the UN Secretary General's 
special representative who developed a plan for Kosovo's independence). If 
Spain, Greece and other countries opposed to the Ahtisaari Plan put their foot 
down, the European Commission will give every country a carte blanche to decide 
whether or not to recognize Kosovo's independence. 

The second plan has been worked out in Paris. According to a leak to the press, 
Pristina will issue its "final warning" in January and officially proclaim 
independence in February. Albania would be the first to recognize the new 
country, followed by the United States, Muslim countries and some EU members. 

What are Moscow's options in this situation? There are not many. The "adequate 
response" variant (recognizing the independence of South Ossetia, Abkhazia and 
Transdnester) is unlikely to be used. 

Sergei Lavrov has said more than once that the Foreign Ministry will proceed 
strictly within the legal framework and will not violate the territorial 
integrity of other states. And there is no point in aggravating the quarrel 
with Georgia, especially because the West would certainly throw its weight 
behind Tbilisi (it is not for nothing that it has prudently declared the Kosovo 
case "unique"). 

Such a response will not lead to a reversal of Kosovo's independence, and 
Russia will end up with more troubles on its borders than it can handle. 
Tbilisi would not take the secession of rebel republics lying down, no matter 
who wins the presidential election. 

So, the chances are that we will again see Moscow trying to do some diplomatic 
footwork. For example, stopping Kosovo from being admitted to the OSCE and, far 
more importantly for Pristina, to the UN. After all, Kosovo cannot join the 
United Nations without the consent of the Security Council. 

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily 
represent those of RIA Novosti. 


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