-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        US To Extend Missile System To Baltic, Caucasus, Ukraine
Date:   Thu, 21 Aug 2008 08:28:04 +0200
From:   Dragan RAKIC <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 



US To Extend Missile System To Baltic, Caucasus, Ukraine



Macedonia Online
August 21, 2008

Analyst: US/NATO plan to neutralize Russian Nuclear

[Leonid Ivashov's observations, quoted below, were
made before today's signing of the agreement for the
stationing of US interceptor and Patriot missiles,
both capable of striking Russia's second largest city,
St. Petersburg, earlier today.]

-"We should expect that elements of a U.S. missile
shield will be placed not only in Lithuania, but also
in all territories bordering Russia and controlled by
-[T]he main purpose of the U.S. global missile shield
was to neutralize Russia's nuclear potential by
2012-2015 and that NATO eastward expansion was part of
this plan.
-"There is no doubt that elements of the U.S. missile
shield will be placed in Georgia and Ukraine
immediately after they join NATO."...Ukraine already
had radars [in Mukachevo and Sevastool] that may be
used against Russia.

The U.S.-proposed European missile shield will
eventually spread along Russia's borders and may
neutralize Russia's nuclear potential by 2012-2015, a
Russian political analyst said on Wednesday.

Commenting on reports that the United States and
Lithuania were formally discussing deploying elements
of the U.S. missile shield in the ex-Soviet Baltic
state should Warsaw reject Washington's plans to
station 10 interceptor missiles in Poland, Leonid
Ivashov, the head of the Moscow-based Academy of
Geopolitical Sciences, said: "We should expect that
elements of a U.S. missile shield will be placed not
only in Lithuania, but also in all territories
bordering Russia and controlled by NATO."

So far, the Czech Republic has agreed to host an
early-warning radar on its territory. Poland earlier
had taken a tough stance in missile talks with the
U.S., demanding that Washington upgrade its air
defense systems in return, though now the agreement
has been inked.

Ivashov said the main purpose of the U.S. global
missile shield was to neutralize Russia's nuclear
potential by 2012-2015 and that NATO eastward
expansion was part of this plan.

He said Ukraine's and Georgia's possible accession to
NATO would have dire consequences for Russia's defense

"There is no doubt that elements of the U.S. missile
shield will be placed in Georgia and Ukraine
immediately after they join NATO," the analyst said,
adding that Ukraine already had radars [in Mukachevo
and Sevastopol] that may be used against Russia.

"The U.S. wants to create an impenetrable shield
capable of intercepting and destroying Russian nuclear
missiles on launch pads, in the initial trajectory, in
orbit and on the final trajectory," he said.

Ivashov criticized the Russian leadership for "wasting
time in empty rhetoric with the West," rather than
taking concrete steps to counter the looming threat.

He suggested that Russia should threaten to sever all
relations with NATO if the U.S. missile shield is
eventually placed in Europe.

"Russia must also warn the European countries
that...in case of a potential military
confrontation...capitals, large cities, industrial and
communications centers of the countries hosting
elements of the U.S. missile shield will inevitably
become the primary targets of [Russian] nuclear


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