American offensive against Serbian resolution 

E. B. | 23. 08. 2010. - 00:02h | Foto: AFP | Komentara: 0 

The UN General Assembly shall debate on September 9 over Resolution on Kosovo 
filed by Belgrade after announcement of opinion by the International Curt of 
Justice. President of the Washington Cato Institute Ted Carpenter says that 
American diplomats ‘are working overtime’ in an attempt to defeat that 
resolution in advance.

Libya, the country chairing the General Assembly accepted request by Serbia 
that the debate is held on September 9 on the day when the UN General Assembly 
shall debate over the Azerbeijan’s resolution on Nagorno Karabakh. That shall 
be on the day when the ambassador of the EU which was given an observer status 
shall attend the session for the first time. 


‘September 9 is the D Day. Acceptance of the resolution is a difficult but not 
an impossible goal’, Belgrade believes and adds that the voting on the 
resolution should take place the same day. That shall however depend on the 
course of the debate. 


Serbia Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic says that ‘it is not realistic to 
expect from Serbia to accept at the UN passing of a resolution which would 
legalize independence of Kosovo’. 

‘Serbia is open for discussion on further course of the process regarding 
Kosovo, but it is not realistic to expect that our country shall accept passing 
of a resolution that shall legalize independence’, Dacic said. 


However, in Washington and Brussels those believing that Serbia shall suffer 
‘heavy defeat’ again are increasingly loud in voicing their opinion. Analyst 
Ted Carpenter says that Serbian resolution is irritating the USA and the 
leading EU countries. 

‘The USA views proposal of Serbian resolution as an act which is not friendly 
or of help. After filing of the resolution the relation between Washington and 
Belgrade has become cautious and tense to certain extent’, Carpenter explained. 
He also thinks that the relation might further deteriorate should Belgrade 
remains on the present course regarding Kosovo. 

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is coming to Belgrade on Thursday 
within his first tour through the West Balkans countries. As announced in 
Berlin he shall repeat in talks with Serbia President Boris Tadic and other 
officials the German stance supported by the Quinta countries, that ‘the 
independence of the Republic of Kosovo and its territorial integrity are 
undisputable facts’. Westerwelle shall request from Belgrade and Pristina once 
again to show ‘constructive and pragmatic policy’ and ‘turn towards mutual 
European future in the interest of population of both countries’. 


Carpenter warns that insisting by Serbia might result in delay of the process 
of European integration and that ‘it would be the best for Serbia to work out 
the best possible deal’ for unwilling acceptance of Kosovo independence

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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