Marc Balmer <> writes:
>> Frank Kardel <> writes:
>>> Actually we can retire ntpdate in rc unless we are very tight on
>>> memory. ntpd_flags should add the -g flag. This allows  for a  big
>>> (time setting) initial (and only one time) step in ntpd.
>> I was made aware of that a few days ago.
>> If we go that route, however, we will have to move ntpd to start much
>> earlier (where ntpdate currently runs), because various tools like the
>> kdc stuff require that the time be properly set before they execute.
> I have a question here:  Does that mean that we always have to run
> ntpd if we want exact time at startup?  Or has ntpd a mode where it
> syncs the time one time and then exit?
> If it has not, maybe ntpdate should stay.

There is no reason we can't also leave around ntpdate for people who
prefer not to run ntpd at all, but yes, one would then either one run or
the other early during the startup sequence.

A number of tools require that the date be properly set
before they are started and so one or the other would need to be started
before them. We could presumably provide a pseudo-dependency (TIME or
some such) that any such tools would DEPEND on.

Perry E. Metzger      

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