"M. Warner Losh" <i...@bsdimp.com> writes:
> In message: <87ab2dat79....@snark.cb.piermont.com>
>             "Perry E. Metzger" <pe...@piermont.com> writes:
> : 
> : Frank Kardel <kar...@netbsd.org> writes:
> : > Actually we can retire ntpdate in rc unless we are very tight on
> : > memory. ntpd_flags should add the -g flag. This allows  for a  big
> : > (time setting) initial (and only one time) step in ntpd.
> : 
> : I was made aware of that a few days ago.
> How long after startup does ntpd exit in this case?

It doesn't. -g says that the initial time difference may be large and to
just step the time rather than slewing it on initial start. Then you
don't need ntpdate. (You *can* use ntpd with other flags to behave like
ntpdate but that's not the purpose here.)

> Just be careful here about the races here...  ntpdate guaranteed the
> time was set and wasn't going to change...

It guaranteed that the time was set -- not that it would not change.

Perry E. Metzger                pe...@piermont.com

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