Of course I can revert changes but I'd point out that pseudo attach
functions were already inconsistent, and I want to fix that

Could you list "a number of" other instances that use `int n'?

On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 11:34 AM, matthew green <m...@eterna.com.au> wrote:
> Masao Uebayashi writes:
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 10:27 AM, Paul Goyette <p...@vps1.whooppee.com> 
>> wrote:
>> (snip)
>> > Wasn't the 'n' parameter supposed to be used to tell the driver how many
>> > instances of the pseudo-device should be instantiated?  At least, for those
>> > drivers which do not automatically clone?
>> Yes.
>> > Have all of the pseudo-devices been modified to clone?
>> As I said in another mail, "not yet".
> it looks like raidframe was updated.
> either way, please revert your change.  what you have now is
> inconsistent and we have two prototypes for the same function
> in different headers that conflict.
> that's just confusing.  until everything is converted (and
> this is a good thing), the current system should remain.
> .mrg.

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