Releasing S. Sudan ex-army chief could spark war: official

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Paul Malong arrives at Juba Airport 13 May 2017 (ST Photo)

September 13, 2017 (JUBA) – There is a likelihood war could break out
in South Sudan’s Bahr el Ghazal region, if the former army chief of
staff Paul Malong Awan is allowed to travel out of the country, an
official said.

The presidential spokesman, Ateny Wek Ateny was earmarked saying there
was no need for Malong to leave the young nation, given the situation
created in his house and the denial by the government to attend his
daughter’s burial.

“The situation we are in right now is very volatile. Malong’s being in
Juba is related to peace in Bahr el Ghazal [region]. Having him in
Juba is to keep peace in Bar El Ghazal. You remember and you found it
in the last previous meeting. The meeting was very charged and tense
and it was only 30 minutes meeting, but it was so charged and tense”,
he said private discussions taped and widely circulated.

According to the official, the only way to resolve this impasse was to
take a sample from Malong and subject whatever is taken to a test.

“Or if he [Malong] wants, it can be identified through his saliva or
spit, and in this case let the sample be drawn and taken to his family
in Nairobi to identify her with it. But it has been politicized
already and there is not even a need now for the presidency to sit on
it and make it as an agenda and as a subject for discussion”, said

The presidential spokesperson claimed the former army chief’s
situation was being “exaggerated” and “overplayed” by people in
diaspora, many of whom he said were agitators of war in the region.

“They [people] are saying [Salva] Kiir’s government is still strong
today and giving people trouble because there is no war in Bahr el
Ghazal. Look at the situation we are in at the moment. They want to
see a war happening in Bar El Ghazal, and if Malong is allowed to go
to Nairobi in this kind of situation we are in, what if he decides not
to come back? Mading Aweil would fight with Gogrial tomorrow,” Ateny
was further quoted saying.

Although Sudan Tribune could not independently verify the authenticity
of the leaked conversation, neither the presidential aide nor the
office of the South Sudanese presidency issued a statement.

In May this year, Awan, a former governor, was sacked by President
Salva Kiir and replaced by the then former deputy chief of general
staff for administration and finance, Lt. Gen. James Ajongo Mawut.

The South Sudanese military had, prior to Malong’s removal, been
repeatedly been accused of gross human rights violations, rape,
atrocities and war crimes on civilians in the conflict-affected areas.

The three-year conflict in South Sudan killed tens of thousands and
displaced more than two million people, the United Nations says, amid
fears next year’s planned general elections could further plunge the
country into chaos.


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    13 September 23:01, by Kush Natives

    Now everything become Malong’s topic, while we other things to
worry about. Why Malong’s issue became centrally Now? Whoever relived
him should deals with now, why Salva Kiir removed him if there was a
such predictions? If President Salva Kiir always through out the
decree that’s not well calculated, then let him get out.

    repondre message
        13 September 23:06, by Kush Natives

        Rebels now dancing thinking that Dinka will fighting so that
they (Rebels) take an advantage over it. This is nonsense, we will not
allow such a move, South Sudan will remain United and strong under
(one people/one nation/one President) all rebels left the battlefield
and are all now under the keyboards in the jungles of South Sudan
writing nonsense.

        repondre message
            14 September 06:41, by Newsudan

            when rebels read this news,they started dancing
around,wishful thinking, Monyjang will not fight among themselves
becos of two men.monyjang pal ku tong baai,tong baai aye puol te ci
tong rok Ben,

            repondre message
        14 September 01:00, by Majesty

        Gen. Malong, one of very stable, resourceful Cdr who liberated
South Sudan removal is another but his confinement and humiliation to
sit in front of cowards like Taban Deng Gai, constant jobseekers who
were the heart of 1991 and 2013 Riek Machar Rebellions and violence
question every value we think we have or try to protect.

        repondre message
            14 September 02:06, by dinkdong

            You didn’t mention Kiir. Malong also "sit in front" of Kiir.

            repondre message
        14 September 05:39, by Ayuiu Makuac Lam

        Now, Paul is being blocked because to prevent war between
Awiel and Gorial.

        repondre message
    14 September 00:12, by dinkdong

    Oh yeah?! Are we right now lacking war? Now, all of a sudden you
are scared of war. What a bunch of crooks!

    repondre message
    14 September 00:34, by john locke

    Everyday dinkas are inching closer to war with eachother.. soon
awiel will be a war zone.. its crwzy that kiir fears war in his tribe
yet doesnt care for other tribes.. yet says we should all be a united
country.. what a man kiir is

    repondre message
        14 September 05:10, by Monyjang

        it never happen at all the way you think every dinka or aweil
go to war for malong.

        repondre message
    14 September 05:50, by john locke

    The day all of the tribes in south sudan turn against the jiangs
is the day that jiangs will know exactly what payback is. When peoplw
begin to see that money means nothing when it comes to savjng the
country from corrupt leaders such as jkiir and taban. The jiangs will
be finished soon, trust me

    repondre message
        14 September 06:47, by Kush Natives

        john Locke,
        What are you still talking about? Which tribes now in South
Sudan is against Dinka? That’s why sometime I hate people who don’t
acknowledge the fact, what are you looking for? Nuer in upper Nile
rebelled, the whole Equatorian region rebelled, some of Lol state
rebelled against Dinka. So what else are you still calling for? Just
get yourself a gun and start fighting wherever you are!

        repondre message
            14 September 08:34, by Malakal county Simon

            I like STD internal war.... Soon the Awielians and
Warrapis will slit each other throat, after all, it’s will be the work
of STD..... The war in waiting, it’s about to be come real....

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