Hi all

I'd like to try and implement automatic changelogging of kickstart profiles.  I 
want to do this as I'm required by my employer to show how the 'build process' 
changes with respect to our RHEL technical workstations and cluster nodes (230+ 
nodes all up).

I figure that I'd add two new columns to table 'rhnKSData' being:
- 'changeLog' (type blob); and
- 'changeVersion' (type number).

When a new kickstart profile is created a note to that effect is stored in 
changeLog with a date/time stamp.  Whenever the kickstart profile is updated, a 
description of the change is written to changeLog.

The purpose of this email is to find out if anyone is already working on 
something like this or if there are any objections.

Not exactly sure how I'll implement it but I realise that it'll need to work 
both from the web GUI and via the API.  Also not sure what impact cobbler will 
have on this.



Colin Coe
Unix Engineer
Office: (08) 9348 3856
Mobile: 0407 089 115
Fax: (08) 9348 4290
Woodside Energy Ltd Perth, Western Australia

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