Devan Goodwin wrote:
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Noticing a lot of newcomers really struggling with our devel setup
lately and got to wondering how many others out there aren't actually
even using it. Anyone feel like sharing what, if anything, they're
doing differently from the standard devel environment setup defined
here (and why):

I have a gut feeling we should recommend something drastically
different to lower the barrier to entry.

I personally disagree with the whole DevelopmentWorkstationSetup idea. Since you will get something which differs from final Spacewalk. And I do not want to run tests and experiments directly on my workstation.

I prefer to have Spacewalk installed on different virtual machine and test the code there. I write code on my machine.
Python/perl code I then copy directly.
For java I use this workflow:
I edit .java file in git on my machine and then in virtual machine as root:
# cd /tmp
# mkdir -p com/redhat/rhn/domain/kickstart/
# scp myn...@mymachine:spacewalk.git/java/src/com/redhat/rhn/domain/kickstart/ com/redhat/rhn/domain/kickstart/ # javac -extdirs /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/rhn/WEB-INF/lib/ com/redhat/rhn/domain/kickstart/ # jar uf /usr/share/rhn/lib/rhn.jar com/redhat/rhn/domain/kickstart/KickstartCommand.class
# /etc/init.d/tomcat5 restart

If I make changes in a lot of files I run "make test-rpm" in directory where the package reside (can be find by cat rel-eng/packages/<name of package>) and then copy and install the resulting rpm to that virtual machine.

This way I'll get exact copy of Spacewalk as others will have, when I commit and push my changes. No problems with schema or wrong symlinks.

Miroslav Suchy
RHN Satellite Engineering, Red Hat

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