On Thu, 4 Feb 2016 16:40:16 +0000 Chris Fumai
<chris.fu...@aqr.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone tell me the location of the official RHEL errata
> xml file so I can upload the errata to my spacewalk server ?
> I am using Steve Meier's errata import perl script for this
> process

I do not know this tool, but to sync RHEL erratas, you would
usually use satellite-sync tool (that is normally used by
subscribed and activated Satellite server).


> Thanks
> Chris Fumai | Vice President | AQR Capital Management  | 1
> Greenwich Plaza, 2nd Floor, Greenwich, CT 06830 |
> 203-742-3722  | chris.fu...@aqr.com<mailto:chris.fu...@aqr.com>
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Jan Hutar     Systems Management QA
jhu...@redhat.com     Red Hat, Inc.

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