Def. Quota Miroslav Suchý <>:

On 12/26/2010 05:59 PM, Benedetto Vassallo wrote:
Hello list,
I have a strange problem after upgrading my spacewalk server from 1.1 to
In the monitoring page I see 2 spacewalk monitoring scouts, both having
the same ssh key.
One is "Fully Updated" (green triangle) and the other is "Failed" (red

The result is all my monitored systems are "Awaiting updates" (clock icon).

I searched in the oracle database for invalid objects (views, packaged
or functions) but found nothing.

How I can work around this?

first - this should not happened, I will be interested if you can reproduce it.

OK, I'll try to reproduce it on another spacewalk 1.1 installation and then upgrading it to 1.2.

Fix has to be done directly in db.
Look in tables RHN_SAT_CLUSTER and RHN_SAT_NODE. There should be one record per scout, so you have there probably two records instead of one.
I have 2 records in both tables.

in RHN_SAT_CLUSTER the only difference is the 1st record is associated to the "spaceadmin" user (the first user created after install), the 2nd record is associated to "vassallo" (the user I use normally in a different organization).


"RECID" "TARGET_TYPE" "CUSTOMER_ID" "DESCRIPTION" "LAST_UPDATE_USER" "PHYSICAL_LOCATION_ID" "VIP" "DEPLOYED" "1" "cluster" "1" "Spacewalk Monitoring Scout" "spaceadmin" "1" "" "1" "3" "cluster" "2" "Spacewalk Monitoring Scout" "vassallo" "1" "" "1"


"RECID" "SERVER_ID" "TARGET_TYPE" "LAST_UPDATE_USER" "LAST_UPDATE_DATE" "MAC_ADDRESS" "MAX_CONCURRENT_CHECKS" "SAT_CLUSTER_ID" "IP" "SCHED_LOG_LEVEL" "SPUT_LOG_LEVEL" "DQ_LOG_LEVEL" "SCOUT_SHARED_KEY" "2" "" "node" "" "" "not set" "10" "1" "" "1" "1" "1" "332709eb12bf" "4" "" "node" "" "" "not set" "10" "3" "" "1" "1" "1" "e854a34f7f77"

Delete one of them and then make sure that probes are asociate with correct scout (in webUI).

I deleted the one associated to "vassallo" becouse I see in my production server (1.1) there is only the one assciated to the "spaceadmin" user but it didn't work (red triangle after push).

Tomorrow I try to reproduce it.
The steps I did are:
1) Install spacewalk 1.1
2) Create the first user (spaceadmin)
3) Enable ldap authentication
4) Enable monitoring and monitoring scout
5) Create a new organization with a new user (vassallo) with satellite admin rights

====== from now all operations are done by 'vassallo' user. ======

6) register some systems
7) Create a probe suite with a Linux -> CPU Usage probe and add all systems to it
8) Update spacewalk to 1.2

I'll let you know.
Bye for now.
Benedetto Vassallo
Sistema Informativo di Ateneo
Settore Gestione Reti Hardware e Software
U.O. Sviluppo e manutenzione dei sistemi
Università degli studi di Palermo

Red Hat Certified Engineer Certificate Number: 804007793324656

Phone: +3909123860056
Fax: +390916529124

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