On  Tue, 17 Oct 2017 5:36:50 ,  Robert Paschedag <paschedag.netlut...@swr.de> 
>Looks like I got it working now.
>After creating a very, very ugly script to add the missing headers to the 
>Packages file, I discovered the deb822 module, already installed on the 
>spacewalk-server (python-debian), which can easily parse a Packages file.
>With the information extracted with Steven Meiers "spacewalk-debian-sync" 
>script (while syncing the Debian repo), modifying Packages was pretty easy.
>See a modified version of Steve Meiers script and the new script to add the 
>missing "Multi-Arch" header here 
>At least, this works pretty good on my test system, and after "apt-get 
>upgrade", another "apt-get upgrade" shows "no packages to upgrade" ?

I think going back to using a modified version of Steve Meier's script would be 
a step back that I would prefer to avoid. I would prefer to update the 
spacewalk-repo-sync command.

In addition to the rhn_deb.py file you indicated, there also appears to be a 
repo-specific plugin, deb_src.py, that appears to be pulling down the Packages 
file from the repo and determining what packages (and versions)  and 
corresponding URLs are available, 
One interesting thing is that that file has an empty get_updates() method which 
may be for Errata. If you were going to add a hook to incorporate Ubuntu errata 
(from https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/) and/or 
Debian errata, that may be where it would have to go but you would have to 
prepare a data/class structure similar to what the yum_src plugin uses (from 
yum.update_md import UpdateMetadata, UpdateNoticeException, UpdateNotice). You 
would want new classes to parse the external Errata sources (sub-classed for 
the distro, but you would need a new repo metadata field to determine the 
distro) and then would cross-correlate the results for what applies to that 
repo. Seems messy and an externally scheduled process may be somewhat cleaner.

Anyways, I think you're correct that rhn_deb is used to parse the deb packages. 
Instead of subclassing per repo, rhn_pkg fronts rhn_deb and the other package 
header parsers.
What populates the db tables (to add a multi-arch table row)? The sync() method 
in  spacewalk/backend/satellite_tools/reposync.py  probably invokes 
spacewalk/backend/satellite_tools/repo_plugins/__init__.py via the repo plugins 
(and load_checksum_from_header() calls the deb header parser), and the plugin 
__init__.py also has an upload_package() method which calls *push_package()* in 
 spacewalk/backend/server/rhnPackageUpload.py to populate the db with the 
parsed header values.

What I haven't yet figured out is 
a) what generates the Spacewalk Packages file from the DB tables or header data 

b) The Package class in importLib.py and packageImport.py in 
 may be involved but I'm still figuring them out. I've seen one reference to 
rhn_pkg in packageImport.py, but it's in _import_signatures so they might not 
need to change.

So far, it looks like you would need to 
a) add the table with the DDL I gave earlier
b) change rhn_deb to include parsing the Multi-Arch header value
c) change push_package() in rhnPackageUpload.py to populate the new table
d) change get_info_for_package in spacewalk/backend/server/rhnPackage.py to 
download the multi-arch value from the new table.
e) change ? to add Multi-Arch to the Package file creation
f) it's non-profit


Paul-Andre Panon
Senior systems administrator

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