I am trying to set up all my servers to act on remote commands.  These servers 
are all redhat linux, all running 6.8.I set them all up the same way, with the 
following command --yum install -y osad; yum install -y rhncfg-actions ; cd 
/usr/share/rhn; wget http://myspacewalkserver/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT 
;/usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's/RHNS-CA-CERT/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT/g' 
/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date ; /sbin/service osad start ; /sbin/chkconfig --add 
osad ; rhn-actions-control --enable-allI have 7 servers that are just not 
working.  If I try to send remote commands to them they will sit there at 
pending forever until I login to them and manually run rhn_check..  They should 
be identical to all the other servers.  I've confirmed that osad is running and 
rhn-actions-control is enable-all.  Any ideas on what else I can check?  We are 
running spacewalk 2.4.
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