thanks, this fixed the problem.
    On Tuesday, November 7, 2017, 5:22:43 AM CST, Robert Paschedag 
<> wrote:  
 Am 6. November 2017 21:06:54 MEZ schrieb Christoph Galuschka 
>Am 06.11.2017 um 17:21 schrieb
>> I am trying to set up all my servers to act on remote commands. 
>> servers are all redhat linux, all running 6.8.
>You should update to 6.9
>> I set them all up the same way, with the following command --
>> yum install -y osad; yum install -y rhncfg-actions ; cd
>/usr/share/rhn; wget
>http://myspacewalkserver/pub/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT ;/usr/bin/perl
>/etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date ; /sbin/service osad start ; /sbin/chkconfig
>--add osad ; rhn-actions-control --enable-all
>> I have 7 servers that are just not working.  If I try to send remote 
>> commands to them they will sit there at pending forever until I login
>> them and manually run rhn_check.  They should be identical to all the
>> other servers.  I've confirmed that osad is running and 
>> rhn-actions-control is enable-all.  Any ideas on what else I can
>> We are running spacewalk 2.4.
>Have you tried with more recent versions like 2.7?
>> _______________________________________________
>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>Christoph Galuschka
>CentOS-QA-Team member | IRC: tigalch
>Spacewalk-list mailing list

It should also work with 2.4.

Did you clone some of these servers due testing?

You could also stop osad on those clients, remove the "osad-auth" file in 
/etc/sysconfig/rhn and restart osad. This should generate new ids on the 

Might fix your problem.


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