On 14.02.2019 12:09, p.cookson-mhdz94l+r7k1qrn1bg8...@public.gmane.org
> Hi Thomas
> The "Internal Server Error" appears to be a really generic and un-helpful 
> message that comes out of Spacewalk in all sorts of scenario's! I haven't 
> experienced your particular problem but, in the past, I've been advised to 
> look at " /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out" to try and get a better idea of what 
> the issue is. Don't know if this will help on this occasion?

No, this was not helpful in this occasion. I'd need some way to make
spacewalk deliver what error was created, by taking logs from
/var/log/tomcat/catalina.out, /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/log/postgres-*.log.

It would be really helpful spacewalk pushing the error logs to the web
interface for debugging such cases!

> Regards
> Phil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: spacewalk-list-bounces-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org 
> <spacewalk-list-bounces-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org> On Behalf Of 
> tschweikle-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org
> Sent: 14 February 2019 10:31
> To: spacewalk <spacewalk-list-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+a...@public.gmane.org>
> Subject: [Spacewalk-list] Sequences going wrong
> Hi!
> We're having a lot of troubble with spacewalk loosing sequences, or
> better: loosing sync within sequences. As spacewalk runs all looks ok for 
> some time. then you may get "Internal server error" at a variety of places. 
> Mostly it starts showing up in "Schedule -> Actions" click on one of the 
> numbers behind in columns Finished, Failed, Pending.
> Instead of showing me details on where the action hav finished, failed or is 
> pending I am prompted with "Internal server error".
> Looking into the sql-logs I can find sequences out of sync. Fixing these 
> manually makes it work again -- for some time. I do not have any idea why 
> these sequences starting to get out of sync. Any idea? Bug?
> Spacewalk 2.9
> OS: CentOS 7
> --
> Thomas
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