On 15.02.2019 18:19, Robert Paschedag wrote:
> Am 15. Februar 2019 09:28:26 MEZ schrieb Thomas Schweikle 
> <tschweikle-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org>:
>> On 14.02.2019 12:09, 
>> p.cookson-mhdz94l+r7k1qrn1bg8bzw-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Thomas
>>> The "Internal Server Error" appears to be a really generic and
>> un-helpful message that comes out of Spacewalk in all sorts of
>> scenario's! I haven't experienced your particular problem but, in the
>> past, I've been advised to look at " /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out" to
>> try and get a better idea of what the issue is. Don't know if this will
>> help on this occasion?
>> No, this was not helpful in this occasion. I'd need some way to make
>> spacewalk deliver what error was created, by taking logs from
>> /var/log/tomcat/catalina.out,
>> /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/log/postgres-*.log.
>> It would be really helpful spacewalk pushing the error logs to the web
>> interface for debugging such cases!
>>> Regards
>>> Phil
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: 
>>> spacewalk-list-bounces-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+alfa-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org
>> <spacewalk-list-bounces-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+alfa-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org>
>>  On
>> Behalf Of 
>> tschweikle-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumwx3w-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org
>>> Sent: 14 February 2019 10:31
>>> To: spacewalk
>> <spacewalk-list-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+alfa-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org>
>>> Subject: [Spacewalk-list] Sequences going wrong
>>> Hi!
>>> We're having a lot of troubble with spacewalk loosing sequences, or
>>> better: loosing sync within sequences. As spacewalk runs all looks ok
>> for some time. then you may get "Internal server error" at a variety of
>> places. Mostly it starts showing up in "Schedule -> Actions" click on
>> one of the numbers behind in columns Finished, Failed, Pending.
>>> Instead of showing me details on where the action hav finished,
>> failed or is pending I am prompted with "Internal server error".
>>> Looking into the sql-logs I can find sequences out of sync. Fixing
>> these manually makes it work again -- for some time. I do not have any
>> idea why these sequences starting to get out of sync. Any idea? Bug?
>>> Spacewalk 2.9
>>> OS: CentOS 7
>>> --
>>> Thomas
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>>> Spacewalk-list mailing list
>>> spacewalk-list-h+wxahxf7alqt0dzr+alfa-xmd5yjdbdmrexy1tmh2...@public.gmane.org
>>> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/spacewalk-list
> Well... You can look into the stack traces at which file (and line) the error 
> occurred. Clone the spacewalk git repo, checkout your version "branch" and 
> look at the code.

That is what I am trying at the moment. BUT and its a really BIG BUT:
there some stack traces. And I need to have it related to what is going
on after I click some link. The way Spacewalk does it now I cant. I cant
relate a click to an error. Impossible. Absolutely impossible. Just
because the error does not show up with a fresh installation and three
clients. It shows up with 200 clients and a running, productive system.

I need Spacewalk to handle the traces thru to WebUI. How can I advice
tomcat to do this: write an error message, then write the full trace
right beyond.

This is the third time the database being corrupted this way. I DO NOT
want to start all over, taking about 400 clients, 800 configs copied by
cut and past to a new spacewalk to have the database corrupted 4th time
then WITHOUT ever finding what was the core cause!


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