> > Well in my installation, I did in fact have to add -u root to get it to
> > work.

I guess you really need to understand how SA can run, and then undo the bits
that don't apply to you.

For instance, running SA via Qmail-Scanner is running it in "system-wide"
mode - and usually with the end-local users being on yet another box. So the
entire component of SA that allows for per-user configuration is irrelevent
- and should be disabled:

Here's how I run the two:

required_hits 5
auto_report_threshold 30
rewrite_subject 0
report_header 1
use_terse_report 1
defang_mime 0
skip_rbl_checks 1

Then I run spamd via daemontools as:

exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -a 9000000 /usr/bin/spamd -F 1 -L -x -u spamc
> /var/log/spamd.log 2>&1

As you see, spamd runs as usercode "spamc", disables user config files,
disables generation of a leading "From " header [that will break mail
otherwise!], and only does local tests (as I believe RBL/etc tests are
better done by the MTA).

Works, works, works.


Jason Haar

Information Security Manager
Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417

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