On 14 February 2002, CertaintyTech - Ed Henderson said:
> I have been seeing alot more Spam get thru (false negatives) in v2.01 than
> with v1.5.  I have been comparing the scores of 1.5 with 2.01 to see why.
> Here is an interesting discovery:  there are several scores in the
> 50_scores.cf file that are 0.01 in value:
> Most of these if they existed in 1.5 had significantly higher scores like
> CLICK_BELOW, EXCUSE_*, *SUBJ_REMOVE, etc.  Why have they been changed in
> v2.01? Is it a mistake?  I believe these scores should be reviewed.  If they
> were a little higher most of my false negatives would have been caught.

I second that suggestion.  I have bumped up several of the 0.01 scores
in my ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs file after some fairly obvious spam
leaked through.  Would have been nice not to have to do that at all.


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