On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 14:29, AHA Lists wrote:
> Here is what I have in my procmailrc file, what is the syntax error?
> :0fw
> | spamc
> /home/Mail-SpamAssassin-2.11/rules

I'm guessing that the rules file is supposed to be an argument to spamc
of a file that contains your custom rules, you have it all on one line,
and the mailer wrapped it when you sent it out.

spamc does not take a rules file as argument. You have to put your
per-user customization in ~/.spamasssassin/user_prefs, which is created
if it does not exist the first time you run spamassassin or spamc as
that user.

If you want spamc to use a different user's directory than the one it is
running under, use the -u option. See man spamc for details.

 -- sidney

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