> From: "rODbegbie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 3)  Analyse the HTML source.  eg. If the graphic is hosted on
> bigandbouncey.com, there's a high chance of spam.

Could also come up with new blacklist catagories: blacklist_url and 

where if there is a URL that starts out the same as a blacklisted URL,
it will get a point boost, and if there's URL that refers to a site
that matches a blacklisted one (by IP or name), it'll get tagged for
extra points.

Though, I'd also like to have a handy-dandy filter that would take HTML
as input and convert it to plain text.  Doesn't bother me that fancy
formatting would be lost.  For links it would put the URL in parenthesis
after the link text (most mail readers that are html aware will also create
links out of url's in plain text messages).  For images, it would probably
put "[Image http://url.to.image]";, things like that (or the image's ALT
text in place of "Image").

For the types of messages were're talking about, that'd probably leave just
a series of "[Image URL](URL) [Image URL](URL) ..." left over.  That'd be
a pretty easy to match pattern, I'd think.

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