I have installed spamassassin on my Red Hat 7.1 server and all seems to be
workign fine:
I have added the following line to one of the rc files picked up from my

* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamassassin

This is succesfully processing e-mails and adding the headers as you would
expect however
whererver I place this recipe within my procmail config all the recipes
after it are ignored
which means the line

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Which follows it directly is not filing away the spam?

My procmail is

procmail v3.14 1999/11/22, Copyright (c) 1999, Stephen R. van den Berg

If I put the spamassasin recipes directly in the procmailrc before the
for the includes for the other rc's the same happens all processing stops
spamassasin processes the messages.

Any ideas anyone, its driving me mad...


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