This problem was caused not by the upgrade to 2.4x but to the coincidence of rebooting the server near the time of the upgrade.
Looks like the problem below was due to trying start spamd before dcc could be contacted. Not unreasonably spamc caches the results of a attempt to contact this service and so an initial failure results in all future queries against this system being disabled. I cannot see a way to get spamd to retry this short of stopping the service and restarting. (sending a SIGHUP to it seems to cause the process to stop rather than reread the config files) is there an alternative way?
Original query from me follows
I upgraded to 2.40 (now 2.41) last week and the messages which are definitely in the DCC database aren't being marked as such by spamassassin when connected to via spamc. Interestingly it is detected when running spamassassin -t < sample-spam.txt (using the same userid incidentally). Is this a known "feature" of spamc under 2.4x or is there anything obvious that I am not implementing correctly? Note that as I implied above this used to work under 2.3x of spamassassin and spamd/spamc
Ray Gardener
Sheffield Hallam University
Howard Street
S1 1WB
(44)  0114 225 4926

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