| Some of my "Security Violations" and "Unusual System Events" are being 
| tagged as SPAM by SpamAssassin. How do I get SA to ignore these messages?

"man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf"

       whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           Used to specify addresses which send mail that is often 
           tagged (incorrectly) as spam; it also helps if they
           are addresses of big companies with lots of lawyers.  
           This way, if spammers impersonate them, they'll get
           into big trouble, so it doesn't provide a shortcut around 

           Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style 
           patterns, so "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "*@isp.com", or 
           "*.domain.net" will all work.  Regular expressions are not 
           used for security reasons.

           Multiple addresses per line, separated by spaces, is OK.  
           Multiple "whitelist_from" lines is also OK.

           eg.  whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
           whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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