On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 09:10:47PM -0700, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
> networksolutions_com              0% Recommended (37 reviews)

Good, they should die.  I'm glad they're not recommended.  (I had
nothing but problems with them, as did everyone else I know of...)
Two thumbs down.

> Register_com                     40% Recommended (25 reviews)

I used to not have an opinion, but they keep sending me misleading mail
(USPS) saying that my domains are soon to be expiring and I need to
send them money.  That's pretty amazing since I have never used them as
a registrar.  Thumbs down.

> Dotster                          89% Recommended (18 reviews)

I used them for a few domains a year or two ago, they seemed ok to me.
Thumbs up.

> OpenSRS                         100% Recommended (2 reviews)

I have a friend who's a reseller for them, so not surprisingly all of
my domains are done through OpenSRS.  No problems so far, easy domain
maintenance, fast turn around for new domains (register it at noon,
ready to go the next day) ...  A large number of thumbs up. :)

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The whole history of computers is rampant with cheerleading at best and
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