Rich Duzenbury ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) had this to say on 11/25/02 at 18:43: 
> >
> >Auto-bouncing spam also auto-bounces FPs, and you lose legitmate mail. Tag
> >everything with SA, and no need to change addresses; simply route all
> >tagged mail to a special folder, which you check every few days. You never
> >lose any mail, and you get to retreive any FPs, and you don't get to see
> >the spam except for the spam subject lines over a small amount of time
> >every few days.
> >
> >Big difference, really.
> I don't believe this.  I've been using SA for quite awhile and I can't 
> remember the last FP I got.  So, fairly recently, I changed my procmail 
> setup so that I keep those that score between 5 and 9, everything over nine 
> goes out the window.  About 54% of the spam I get scores more than 9.

AH. This is different from what you said before. Bouncing over 9 may probably
be all right, since such a high scoring spam is almost certainly spam.
However, bouncing anything over 5 I still maintain is a bad idea. Like you,
I hardly ever get FPs anymore, but I do still very occasionally get them.
Altho mostly on mailing list posts, not on "individual" mail.

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