> Everyone take a deep breath...

Ok now that I've had my lesson in email etiqutte I'll just go shoot myself
in the head.

Come on people its only an email message not a novel.

I can understand the comment about not supplying good or enough information
about what you are asking, but this top posting thing is stretching it a

If I wrote a 10 page message would be one thing, but less than a quater page
and you complain.

Just sounds like you are lazy and don't like to have to use your mind a
My message wasn't that scewed up that you couldn't get the idea what I was
talking about.

What really gets me is you post like my message is insulting your intellect
but yet again you can not even grasp a shred of information from my post.
Hmmmm... ok I thing someone is trying to give people the impression they are
something they are not.

Then again some of you might not have that much to offer so you post
messages like that complaining about how someone formated thier email

I would think you have better things to do than scanning mailing list and
looking  for other peoples typos or layout errors.

Then again maybe not.

Anyway thanks for the lesson and I will try to be more aware of how and what
I post in the future..

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