I am sorry, I just got caught up in something else and forgot to add version #s.  
Please forgive me.  Believe it or not I don't even believe that pam_ldap is installed. 
 nss_ldap is 205 and openldap version 2.0.27, running on solaris 9.
I am currently arguing with a senior admin ( I am a lvl I) that does not believe that 
it is a ldap issue, but a
perl issue.  I do relize that the openldap version that I am running is an older one, 
and upgrading it right now would not be as easy as one would think.
I will get pam_ldap installed once the other admin finishes a perl upgrade.
Thanks for your help.

On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 11:10:21 +0200
From: Tony Earnshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Spamassassin and LDAP

Keith Olmstead wrote:

> Trying to get SA working with LDAP users.  I know this can work, but I am running 
> into problems.  I create a user local on the box and it filters fine, but when I try 
> to filter a user that is in LDAP it is not working.  I changed the shell to a valid 
> shell, and it seems that it is picking up the UID correctly but it is not filtering.
>>From what it looks like it my LDAP user is does not have permission to execute 
>>spamc.  What my log shows is:
> procmail: [3305] Mon Jun  2 13:23:57 2003
> procmail: Executing "/usr/local/bin/spamc"
> over and over.
> my .procmailrc file is owned by the user with 740 permissions with a group of the 
> group that the user is in.
> I know that ppl have gotten LDAP working with SA, I think that I am missing one 
> thing, and I have been trying to get this working for months now.

I can't comment on SA and LDAP: I have site-wide SA filtering both with 
SA-Exim 4.20/3.0 and Postfix 2.0.10/amavisd-new.

However, Openldap 2.1.19 is the basis for all my users - and for just 
about everything else on my own machine - including the above mentioned 
MTAs. In principle, there is absolutely no difference between an 
ldap-based and a Unix/Posix-based user. I keep all my stuff as up to 
date as possible - nss_ldap, f.ex., is 203.6. It could well be that your 
ldap stuff is old, that your nss_ldap is not correctly configured 
(etc/ldap.conf & nsswitch.conf), it could be many things. I'd check 
these before anything else.

What happens when you do 'id <user>' or 'getent passwd <user>'? Does an 
su or a login for that user occur normally? (i.e., is pam configured 



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