simply out of interest, may i ask what you define as a 'false negative'.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Tomhave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 1:51 PM
Cc: Matt Kettler; Simon Byrnand
Subject: RE: [SAtalk] Wow, spam with scores as low as 2.1??

> I'd say that with all checks (bayes, rbl's, razor, dcc etc) enabled, that
> 5.0 is pretty good for "straight laced" email acounts, and 7 is reasonable
> for "most people". Any higher than 8 and you start missing a lot of spam.
Given the commentary in this thread and the fact that my bayes seems to be
working better now (deleted the .spamassassin directory, did a rebuild,
and then fed it 650+ spam messages), I have adjusted the settings for my
users as follows for their "sensitivity" options:
   Severe = 0.5 (unchanged)
   High = 2.0 (changed from 1.5)
   Medium = 6.0 (changed from 4.0; this is the new default)
   Low = 10.0 (changed from 7.0)
   None = 999999 (unchanged; what's the max allowable?)
I'll test with these levels and see how we do with false positives and
false negatives.  I was motivated to make this change after noticing that
with the reloaded bayes, scores were tending to be much higher.



Benjamin Tomhave, Senior Systems Engineer
Sofast Communications

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