"Mike Klein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In response to my complaint of weak rules out of box:
> I have rtfm (INSTALL, USAGE, website). It states (step #7 in INSTALL file):
> [...]

Just use the GTUBE string for testing that SpamAssassin can correctly
mark a message as spam.  The GTUBE string is located in the distribution
file appropriately named "sample-spam.txt".

You can also read about it here:


Step #7 in INSTALL should probably be changed to mention GTUBE, but
> As far as I could tell, my spam email was pfs (that's pretty f%$%$king
> suspicious for all you acronym folks).

Why?  It's not UCE/UBE, why should SpamAssassin catch it?  You sent it
to yourself, right?  That's hardly spam and you are not a spammer!

It's solicited.  It's not bulk.  It's not commercial.  That means a lot
of tests won't hit and if you're not familiar with the rule set, you
*may* have trouble crafting a message that is marked as spam.  That's
why GTUBE was created.
> This is what I attempted to do. Wasn't detected however. I guess my spam
> wasn't spammy enough.

That's exactly right.  SpamAssassin just doesn't look for a few strings
that *you* think are spammy.  It's a heuristic filter trained with real
spam, not fake spam that the developers wrote.  What good would that be?
> As far as my 'spam' not being from a known spammer...I'm not sure of
> the real relevance here, when spammers can change their email
> addresses willy-nilly...

SA tests email addresses, but probably not quite how you imagine email
addresses are tested.  Sure, some are simply blacklisted, but there are
many more tests than that.  The right-hand-side of the email address is
looked up in a DNS blacklist, SA checks for valid DNS, suspicious email
addresses (not just From: either, also To: and Cc: addresses), and more.

The people who have responded to your email so far are really trying to
explain things and are doing a pretty good job.  Slow down and read what
they're trying to tell you, it makes sense if you listen.

> So step#7 basically is fubar, if I can't completely whore out an email on my
> own and have it detected as spam. If I need to read all SA docs to figure
> out what constitutes a REAL spam email, then step#7 s/probably state this.
> I never stated SA was a piece of [EMAIL PROTECTED] that filters 'seem' too weak
> (ok, maybe I could've added a 'seem' before abysmal!). Believe it or not, I
> have had spam as simple as my 'spam' email below.

Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.


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