On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 09:16:50 +0100, Gerhard Hofmann
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted to spamassassin-talk:
 > says...
 >> It isn't SA you want, it's procmail. The formail tool in the procmail
 >> package will do anything like this that you want.
 > I know that procmail could filter incoming mails by subject and sort 
 > them into IMAP folders on the server.
 > Unfortunately, most of our users use POP3 to read their emails. Those 
 > users have defined filtering rules within Outlook 2000. The rules prove 
 > the X-Spam-Status flag within the message headers that is added by SA. 
 > So this is the reason why I would like SA to do subject-based filtering 
 > and not procmail.

You could add a second header with Procmail easily. Or just add
X-Spam-Status to any messages which don't already have it.

  * ! ^X-Spam-Status:
  * ^Subject: \/(fr33|h0t|w0m3n)
  | formail -I "X-Spam-Status: Yes (Subject: contains $MATCH)"

Then proceed with delivery just as before. Procmail doesn't care if
the destination is an IMAP mailbox or a POP mailbox, as long as it's
running on the server anyway.

/* era */

The email address era     the contact information   Just for kicks, imagine
at iki dot fi is heavily  link on my home page at   what it's like to get
spam filtered.  If you    <http://www.iki.fi/era/>  500 pieces of spam for
want to reach me, see     instead.                  each wanted message.

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