On Sat, 29 Nov 2003, Gorm Jensen wrote:

> Bayes is working very well for me, but I am concerned about poisoning the
> database with extraneous, obfuscating words that many spam messages contain.
> A few postings to this list say that there is no problem, but I don't want
> to spoil a good thing.  Are there some rules of thumb on what to sa-learn
> and what to avoid?

I had my bayes db poisoned recently.  I think it was because of the ratio
of spam to non-spam that I get:  10-20 legit emails a week versus about
100+ spams a day.

I'm trying a different strategy now to even the ratio.  I call SA first 
without bayes and then filter anything scored above 15.  Then I later 
call SA with bayes like I normally would.  The first pass at 15 catches 
about 75% of my spam without any false positives.  I don't feed this into 
the bayes db -- only the ones caught/not caught in the second pass.

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