Jeez; I just read my own post, and thought a little clarification might
be in order: the "IMHO, no" is in response to "Is there any reason NOT
to use BigEvil", and not in response to the subject line.

Is it Friday yet?!  Apparently my brain already thinks it's Saturday and
is camped out somewhere drinking Guinness without the rest of me... 


On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 15:17, Rubin Bennett wrote:
> IMHO, no.  I think BigEvil is good enough for general use (I am running
> it on about a dozen sites, one of whom is an ISP with about 500
> customers).
> My $0.02
> Rubin
> On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 13:34, Bert Rapp wrote:
> > I've been half heartedly watching the list and have noticed some BigEvil
> > updates.  So, I looked at the bigevil site
> > (  Is there any
> > reason I would not want to use bigevil?
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Rubin Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
RB Technologies

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