On Thu, 8 Jan 2004, Robert Menschel uttered the following:
> Yes, there are three reasons you might not want to use bigevil.
> 1) You like getting spam.
> 2) You run SA with a threshold level very different from the default 5.0
> score, and don't have the time or ability to adjust the bigevil scores
> accordingly.
> 3) You are an end-user whose only control is through the user_prefs file,
> and therefore you cannot add additional rules to your SA processing.

4) you prefer to have such a large collection of rule/score combinations
GAed before use, and consider a system that relies on some poor sod
manually maintaining a huge list of regexes, with (as far as I can tell)
decidedly ad-hoc hit-frequencies checking, to be a step backwards.

(No offence, Chris. You're doing a hell of a job, but it seems like
you're engaged in a Red Queen's race to me :) )

As they say, build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a
path to your door. But nobody ever got anywhere outlawing mice.

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