On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 11:11:34 -0600, Bob Apthorpe wrote:
> You could just normalize the images to a 64x64 bitmap with a reduced color
> depth (12bpp; ~48kb uncompressed) and store that; there are probably some
> optical cross-correlation techniques you can use to measure how similar
> the images are. Dropping the resolution makes it more difficult to tweak
> the image to generate different hashes and keeps the database size
> manageable.

Last year, I worked on a project to do motion detection between 2 jpegs and
extra features like drawing a box around the movement or issuing control
instructions to a mobile camera.

obviously most of these features aren't needed, but its the motion detection
code that may be useful. it took us about 6 weeks to perfect it.

I will try and dig it out if anyone wants to see it.

> Though I'd really like to see optical Bayes poisoning attempts: "Check it
> out - a blender, a map of Zaire, Winston Churchill, and two purple
> upside-down naked chicks - it's Warhol Spam!"

I don't care if it's poisoning, I want a copy of that pic :)

+ Mat Harrison | [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
| England, UK  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
+        http://www.genestate.com         +

Yes, of course it's the right cabl [le0: NO CARRIER]

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