One of the speakers at Spamcon 2004, talked about the effectiveness of
automatically generated white lists. As I recall, his scheme depended upon
two sources of info: the mail addresses that typically appeared in your
To: From: and Cc: lines in your corpus of ham, during training and
collected from similar info. in mail that you send out. This of course
that you don't correspond directly with spammers. <g>

I was wondering how this might be integrated with SA. In particular, how
does one intercept addresses on the outbound mail route? Would this be
done in some sort of milter (like mimedefang, if you're using sendmail
as your MTA)?

It seemed to me that if one can build a more effective white list, that
the number of false positives can be reduced considerably, and thus, the
spam cut-off could be lowered, making sure more actual spam makes it over
the dam.

Separate question (may be a faq): is there a database (SQL, etc)
of from/received white lists? This would make updating a whitelist easier,
and more efficient than hacking the user_prefs file, for example.

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