On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 22:11, Jay Levitt wrote:
> One problem: If a spamassassin --lint fails (because if you, oh, had
> outdated directives in your sa-mimedefang.cf file), then once you correct
> that, on the next run, rules_du_jour won't update anything, because it
> thinks everything is up to date.


Version 1.06 will now re-apply any changes that are pending (due to, for
example, the scenario above).

Also, check out the example munge scripts I put up:

Finally, as of today (version 1.06b) RulesDuJour includes ANTIDRUG and
EVILNUMBER configured by default.  POPCORN has been removed from the
default config.  Thanks to whoever added configs for ANTIDRUG and
EVILNUMBER to the wiki.

Chris Thielen

Easily generate SpamAssassin rules to catch obfuscated spam phrases
(0BFU$C/\TED SPA/\/\ P|-|RA$ES):

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