> I have sa 2.55 running fine with activeperl on a 3.06 ghz
> 512megs ram system.  My only issue is that occasionally the
> multiple perl sessions will bring the processor to a crawl
> which is in turn causing problems for other programs running
> on the server.
> Is there a way of getting better memory management from sa
> using activeperl that anyone is aware of?  Any tips would be
> greatly appreciated.
> I have considered running a ram-drive and loading some items
> in resident memory to run.  Just looking for a solution.

There were some memory management issues in SA 2.55 that were fixed in
2.6x. You might want to upgrade and see if your issues go away.

I run multiple Perl processes on my AMD 700mhz and though I occasionally
see high CPU usage, it doesn't usually affect things too much. 512 may
not be enough RAM depending on what else you're running. Our file server
has 512 and always seems to end up paging to disk sometime during the
week-- and that with no real apps running on it.


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