> To find real numbers, you would have to consider how many 
> connections are accepted, how many are rejected and for what 
> reasons.  Then look at the popularity of different spamdyke 
> features and specifically the popularity of different DNS 
> RBLs.  Use all that to find out what percentage of rejected 
> connections could avoid the DNS queries due to local tests.  

Along those lines, is it possible, or can it be possible, to have spamdyke's
logs indicate which DNS RBL caused a message to be rejected?  I'm assuming
that once a reason for rejection is found, IE, the IP is listed in a
particular RBL, further tests against other RBL's in the list are not
performed?  Knowing, statistically, which ones have a higher rejection rate,
and queuing those first in the list of RBLS might save some time.

Or course, multiple RBLS could reject the same message, and the one first in
line would have the higher percentage, but this would give us a way to move
them around and check the results...

Just a thought from a newbie to spamdyke. 

BTW, I LOVE Spamdyke!  What a difference it has made in my system's ability
to filter spam and save resources!  It's a God send!


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