Sam Clippinger ha scritto:
> The next major version will be 4.0.0.  It does not include recipient 
> validation.  That feature is currently targeted for the following 
> version, probably 4.1.0.
> I haven't yet decided how to implement it, but I think it won't be 
> useful unless it supports (at minimum) plain vanilla qmail, qmail with 
> vpopmail, qmail with vpopmail+MySQL and Plesk (qmail+chkuser).  (This 
> feature could finally be a reason to integrate database support.)  If 
> anyone has any other configurations that should be supported (LDAP?), 
> now is the time to speak up -- let's discuss it before I start writing code.
My idea is still based on the "list checking" concept, that is spamdyke 
simply check recipient in a file which contanins
a list of valid recipients (could be ascii or hashed) .

In this way the method is universal, and you could use whatever user db 
you want, you just only need to export the
valid email list in a file .

Considering the vpopmail case, there are a lot of script which parse all 
the vpopmail users and create the file.

have fun,
spamdyke-users mailing list

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