I'm not that familiar with splogger but a quick search gave me several 
pages that all say it sends its messages to syslog in addition to 
passing them through stdout/stderr.

Of course it's possible this is a spamdyke bug but the way you've 
described your setup, it sounds like splogger is functioning correctly.

-- Sam Clippinger

Eric Shubert wrote:
> Eric Shubert wrote:
>> I've just installed spamdyke 4.0.3 on a somewhat convoluted qmail host, and
>> am seeing some wierdness with logging.
>> The server has logging for qmail-smtp set up in the typical qmail fashion,
>> with logging going to stderr and on to /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current. I have
>> spamdyke configured with log-target=stderr. Logging looks fine in the smtpd 
>> log.
>> Now for the weirdness. The qmail-start (and thus qmail-send) is configured
>> to use splogger to send messages to /var/log/maillog. Why, I have no idea.
>> The weird thing is that spamdyke's messages are appearing in
>> /var/log/maillog as well as /var/log/qmail/smtp/current. Any idea how/why
>> this is happening? Could be something in the (mis)configuration that I'm not
>> seeing, but I'm a bit befuddled.
> So I've moved qmail-send's logging to where it's usually found, at
> /var/log/qmail/send/current. Spamdyke's log messages are still showing up in
> /var/log/maillog though, in addition to /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current (where
> they're supposed to go). I double checked configuration, and I have
> log-target=stderr.
> Looking like a bug to me, Sam. ;)
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