Felix Buenemann wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Am 21.10.2008 19:38 Uhr, Eric Shubert schrieb:
> [...]
>> Nice. Here's my present result, for all logs:
>> # time cat /var/log/qmail/smtp/*.s | ./spamdyke-stats.pl
>> 34229        DENIED_RDNS_MISSING
>> 26702        DENIED_IP_IN_CC_RDNS
>> 21848        DENIED_RBL_MATCH
>> -- Breakdown --
>> ---------------
>> 19514        ALLOWED
>> 14910        DENIED_RDNS_RESOLVE
>> 141  TIMEOUT
>> Allowed: 19514
>> Denied : 102499
>> Errors : 141
>> Total  : 122154
>> % Valid: 15.97%
>> % Spam : 83.91%
>> % Error: 0.12%
>> real 0m15.928s
>> user 0m4.512s
>> sys  0m3.616s
>> I'm a little confused by the Breakdown in the middle of results. Is the 
>> sort not working quite right?
> The Breakdown requires log-level=verbose logging. I should probably
> suppress those lines, if no verbose logging info was found.
>> Here's what I'd prefer to see as output 
>> format:
>> spamdyke-stats.pl v???
>> Total  :  122154
>> Allowed:   19514  15.97%
>> Timeout:     141   0.12%
>> Denied :  102499  83.91%
>> ____Denied Breakdown____
>> RDNS_MISSING         34229  33.39%
>> IP_IN_CC_RDNS        26702  26.05%
>> RBL_MATCH            21848  21.32%
>> RDNS_RESOLVE         14910  14.55%
>> SENDER_NO_MX          2684   2.62%
>> OTHER                 2123   2.07%
>> TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS      3   0.00%
>> Or something along those lines. ;) Note the Denied percentages are 
>> percents of Denied, not percents of Total.
> It's certainly possible to add this kind of output. I'll look into it,
> but I have some commercial projects coming up, so it'll have to be
> postponed for a while, unless you wanna add it yourself.
>> Thanks for your great work on this, Felix.
>> Oh, and one more thing just occurred to me. What about greylist 
>> rejections? I'm guessing that these numbers don't take greylisting into 
>> account. That would seem to be a bit complicated. Can someone think of a 
>> way to account for greylist rejections without complicating things too 
>> much? I wonder if Sam couldn't adjust the log messages in such a way 
>> that greylisting could be accounted for. Upon further thought, it seems 
>> to me that this subject might have been discussed before on the list. 
>> Sorry if I'm bringing up a dead horse.
> I'm not running greylisting so I can't say what kind of logging messages
> it provides. If spamdyke logs with something like DENIED_GREYLISTING and
> ALLOWED_GREYLISTING it'd probably be possible to build up the pairs for
> statistics, but I'd like to know how you imagine the greylist data to be
> represented in the statistics?
> -- Felix
I don't think there is an ALLOWED_GREYLISTING... it would just be ALLOWED

you may have to process the greylist folder (directory) but this begs
the question... why?
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