David Sánchez Martín wrote:
>> David,
>> That sounds like a neat idea, but I don't think it'd work. If 
>> you simply 
>> allow the session to complete and create a greylist entry for 
>> everything, you will have effectively whitelisted every incoming 
>> message, including the bad ones. Greylisting works because 
>> some spammers 
>> don't retry when a session fails. If everything passes, 
>> you've no way of 
>> knowing which ones would or would not have retried. The greylist 
>> database would be useless.
> Let me think about it.
> If greylisting is enabled as usual:
> When a "foreign" user sends a message to a local user is greylisted, then:
> 1.- It's created an entry in the greylisting database.
> 2.- It's blocked and each retry is blocked also at least for
> graylist-min-secs seconds.
> 3.- No further tests are passed. Session is closed.
> When graylist-min-secs time passes:
> 1.- The message passes greylist filter and touches the file.
> 2.- The message is tested against other filters.
> Ok,
> What i'm trying to accomplish:
> When a user "foreign" a message to a local then:
> 1.- The message passes greylist filter and touches the file.
> 2.- The message is tested against other filters.
> That will populate the database, that is what i want before putting graylist
> at work.
> Sorry, perhaps  I'm missing something.
> Best regards.

That will populate the database for all email. Including spammers. Any 
spammers who send messages during the period in which the database is 
being populated will get a free pass, even after greylisting is 
activated. Perhaps you can live with that.

-Eric 'shubes'

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